Med O-Week 2020 [Leaders Ticket]

$ 10.00

If you’re an ELM3 team leader for Med O week, then purchase this ticket! It includes food provided at the events, entry to stein and the ball on the Friday.

Key Info again:

Date: 2020 February 12th – 2020 February 14th

Time: Variable depending on the day (Full event schedule check additional images- need not to worry, events will not clash with compulsory lectures etc).

Location: Variable depending on date and activity see full event schedule

Tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE. Please think carefully before you buy if you have doubts on whether you can make it or not. Ticket sales will close @ 5pm, 11th February 2020. 

If you have any questions about the events and schedules please contact Luke (2nd year Rep) @ or if you have any questions regarding ticket purchases please contact Andrew @

Also important: You will not be issued an E-ticket as you will be issued a leadership wristband that you must wear throughout the 3 days. Just bring in your student ID (or any other IDs) so we can check off your name from our order list.

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SKU: Med-O-Week-2020-Leaders-Ticket Category: