Otago University Medical Students Association - 2022 ALM Executive

Our people - students working for students

Lucy Phibbs



Kia Ora Everyone, my name is Lucy and I am your ALM president for 2024.

I am so excited to be selected for this role and with the year starting we have already hit the ground running. If there is anything you would like to see from OUMSA please reach out, I would love to hear your ideas or any concerns you might have!

Hannah Davies

Vice-President – ALM Secretary


Kia ora whānau,

Ko kai tahu tōku iwi, nō Ōhinetahi ahau. Ko Hannah tōku ingoa. 


I am so excited to be your VP for 2024! 


Please feel free to reach out via my email or Facebook should you have any concerns we can help with or ideas for our exec. Can’t wait to meet you all.

Ruby Butler

Social Officer


Kia ora koutou. I’m Ruby, your 2024 ALM Social Officer. I know how hard it is to have work-life balance in medical school, so I hope to help organize events to make this a little bit easier for everyone. 


We have a fantastic social team this year and we are keen to make it a fun and memorable year. If you have any feedback or ideas, please reach out! I look forward to meeting you all throughout the year at our social events.

Ruby Hosking

Education Officer


Kia ora, I’m Ruby and I’m your education officer for 2024. I’ll be working with the other members of our education team to work through any issues that pop up for you throughout ALM so that you can all have the best year possible. As chair of SSLiC, I’ll also be working closely with staff and your stream representatives to ensure your voice is heard, and to advocate for positive changes being made. We’re always happy to hear your ideas and concerns so that we can effectively speak on behalf ALMs students. If you have any questions or just want to chat, please feel free to message or email me!

Kate Forster

Welfare Officer


Kia ora Koutou! My name is Kate and I’m super pumped to be your  Welfare Officer 🙂 

I look forward to meeting you all at welfare events this year! Behind the scenes I also help advocate for student welfare and participate in SLICC meetings, so always here if you need to chat – just flick me an email or DM!


Cole Melhopt

ALM Treasurer


Kia Ora Everyone, I am Cole and I will be the ALM treasurer for 2024.

I am looking forward to supporting this great team to help you get through the year while having fun along the way.

Shani Gimblett

TI Education Representative


Kia Ora team!


I’m Shani and I’m the TI Education rep this year. I’m working alongside Ruby and Yuvraj as part of the education team. Primarily I help facilitate TI involvement with 4th year, as well as helping organise TI specific events such ACE applications. Message if you have any questions, and I will try help in any way possible!

Dayna Gallagher

TI Welfare Representative


Kia ora koutou! Ko Dayna tōku ingoa 🙂

 I am the TI welfare rep this year and I’m here to support all members of the TI whānua this year. I’m excited for all the welfare initiatives and events we have planned for the year ahead. 🫶

Yuvraj Sandhu

5th Year Education Representative


Kia ora everyone!


I’m Yuvraj and I’m the ALM5 Education Rep for this year. I am more than delighted to be taking on this role after being the ALM4 rep last year. I will be working with my fellow ALM5s to help get their voices across to the education facilitators of our course. This is a privilege that I won’t take lightly. I want to make sure that our journey through med school/ ALM5 is as smooth as possible. I’ll also be working with education reps across ALM and be a part of SSLiC (Student-Staff Liaison Committee) to collaborate on ways we can help. So, if there’s any feedback or any concerns, please don’t hesitate to flick me an email or a message.

Thomas Anderson

5th Year Social Representative


Hey team, 


My names Thomas and I’m your 5th year social rep for this year! Super stoked to get all of your social needs sorted alongside my awesome teammates. 

If you’ve got any ideas or social events you want organised then give me a bell!

Max Finnegan

5th Year Welfare Representative


Kia ora,


I’m Max and I’m your 5th year welfare rep! I’ll be helping run events throughout the year, as well as checking in with med students throughout and advocating at SSLIC meetings! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!