ELM3 OSPE Study Buddy Tutorial #2
$ 10.00
Are you wanting a quick brush up on some high yield anatomy to prep yourself for the OSPE? Come along to the final study buddy tutorial of the year as we’ll be running an OSPE tutorial this Saturday October 24th from 9am-12pm (likely in HAG10 in the Annex but TBD). It will cover some anatomy (mostly neuro and H&N) and then a mock OSPE going over answers at the end!
As always EVERYONE will need to purchase a ticket in order to attend the tute as we will need to scan the QR code on the ticket as you enter. That being said, tickets for people who hold a study buddy subscription should come up as free as in you don’t need to pay but you still need to get the ticket. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send Rosie Carr-Smith a message on FB or email 3rdyear@oumsa.org look forward to seeing you there!:) Best of luck with exams xo
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