2024 (Histo/Path) ELM2 End-of-year OSPE Study Buddy

$ 25.00

Are you feeling concerned about the ‘sea of pink’ that is histology? Are you stuck trying to find what’s examinable in the 50 slide path tutorials? Well fear not, the End-of-year OSPE Study Buddy (histo/path component) is here. This year’s OSPE (histo/path) tutorial is going to be hosted by Gavin Bishop, and will take place on Sunday the 13th of October from 9AM – 3PM. This tutorial is going to be hosted purely via zoom, and everyone who buys a ticket (or has a subscription) will get access to the recording from the time the tutorial finishes, until the end of exams! Make sure to head along to this study buddy, and all of the others in the weeks leading up to exams, to make sure that you are prepared for any questions that are thrown at you.

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SKU: 2024-sb-elm2-histo Category: