2023 Med Ski Trip – Driver’s Ticket
$ 112.00
Ski Trip Info:
We have 50 beds @ Nomads booked for 2 nights (Friday the 11th & Saturday the 12th of August). Tickets will be $112 dollars and covers accommodation + some reimbursement for drivers
We are planning to car pool so there will be drivers tickets (14 tickets) and non-drivers tickets (36) on the store. Non-drivers are expected to contribute to fuel!
Drivers tickets are set to release on Tuesday the 17th July and Non-driver on Wednesday the 18th so get in fast as they are limited. If you can drive please do as the trip isn’t possible without drivers :))
– Getting up and down the slopes will be your responsibility! There are a selection of ski fields around so have a look online and see what’s going to suit you.
– If you want a weekend away in QTown and don’t want to ski that’s also fine, feel free to buy a ticket.
– Nomads is a dry hostel! No alcohol is allowed on the premises and if caught will be fined (this is annoying I know but it’s the best accommodation we could get).
– Once tickets have been sorted I’ll sort car pools and room arrangements. You can message me with a group you’d like to travel / stay with.
– Any questions just flick me a message or email
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