2023 ELM3 Study Buddy Tutorial Subscription

$ 80.00

The Study Buddy programme is a set of tutorials run by students for students. Our tutors are students that have completed ELM3 with flying colours and will use tutorial time to pass down the tools and knowledge that helped them to succeed. They are super accessible, held in the hospital lecture theaters and with a zoom live stream so you can even tune in when you’re at home.


Individual module tickets will be sold before each tutorial but buying a subscription will make them much cheaper – a subscription to all of the tutorials is only $80 for around 40 hours total of tutorial time, for 9 different modules! (Compared to $15 per module for individual tickets)


You can pick and choose what modules to come to, and you can stay for just the revision session or application session. With a subscription you’ll never have to worry about missing out.


The modules that will be included this year are:

  • RCA 1 (Head + Neck)
  • RCA2 (Thorax + Abdomen)
  • Reproductive System
  • Nervous System
  • Metabolism
  • Endocrine
  • Renal
  • Vertical Modules
  • Mid year OSPE (anatomy + histology/pathology)
  • End of Year OSPE (anatomy + histology/pathology)

Dates of tutorials will follow the medical school timetable so info about dates and ticket releases will be posted on Facebook so keep an eye out for that!


N.b. When there are tutorials coming up, please visit the OUMSA website and ‘purchase’ tickets for the tutorials you’d like to attend so we can keep track of numbers. Your subscription will show in our system and you won’t be charged for them.

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