2022 ELM3 OSPE Study Buddy

$ 15.00

Get super confused by histology? Can’t identify the branches of the internal iliac? Well this end of year ELM3 OSPE Study Buddy will get you through!

The structure of this tutorial is different to normal and is the last ELM3 Study Buddy of the year! The session will be held from 5-8pm on Wednesday the 19th of October.

The tutorial will be split into two sessions:
1) Histology and Pathology revision in Gowland Lecture Theatre and
2) Anatomy revision in the Anatomy Museum.

Both sessions are 1.5 hours long and the group will be split in half and swap sessions at 6:30pm. There will be no break in between sessions.

Everyone will meet in Gowland Lecture theatre at 4:45 so we can check everyone’s email ticket confirmation and divide the group in half.

** Please note that there will be a ZOOM link but this is ONLY FOR THE HISTOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY SESSION as we are not able to Zoom the Anatomy session in the Anatomy Museum for obvious reasons.

The sessions will be run by the wonderful Amy Miles (anat) and Mia Pugh (hist/path) who have experience tutoring/lab demonstrating.

In order to attend the tutorial you will have to purchase a ticket ($0 for study buddy subscription holders* and $10 for non-subscription holders).

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