Otago University Medical School Students' Executives
Our people - students working for studentsTe Rōpū Ākonga Rongoā o Ōtākou 2022
To tātou iwi - nga ākonga e mahi ana mo nga ākongaWe respect the voice of medical students in their 2nd and 3rd years. We work closely with the Otago medical school to continuously improve the welfare, education and support of our students
The newly formed DSM exec represents Dunedin based medical students in their clinical years. (Content coming soon…)
Christchurch Medical Students’ Association (CMSA) represents the interests of medical students studying at the Christchurch School of Medicine. We advocate for the rights and wellbeing of our members and provide a range of social, academic and welfare events throughout the academic year.
The Wellington Health Professional Students’ Association (WHPSA) represents the interests of medical students, radiation therapy students, and physiotherapy students studying at the Wellington School of Medicine. Our work involves advocating for the rights and well-being of our members, as well as organising a range of social, academic and welfare events throughout the academic year.