The Rainbow Otago Medical Students Association (ROMSA) is here to support and advocate for our rainbow tauira. We also provide a place of support for medical students for anything rainbow-related. We aim to create a safe safe within the medical sphere in which students can be their most vibrant selves. 

We host regular events open to all our rainbow and takatāpui whānau, including our allies and those questioning. We encourage you to keep and eye out throughout the year and join in!

You can keep up to date and join our whānau here!

– Facebook:

– Instagram: @pride.romsa

We would love to hear from you, feel free to email us about feedback and suggestions, alongside any concerns or queries you may have. 

We aim to work with the medical school to better our rainbow students’ experience in medicine, as well as supporting rainbow health teaching. If you have any ideas or comments on this please let us know!

Contact us here!



Hannah (she/they)

Hannah (she/they)


I’m Hannah. I grew up in Ōtautahi and moved to Ōtepoti in 2022 to study HSFY. I’m currently in ELM3.

Some of my favourite things to do include crocheting, going for walks in the botanical gardens and painting.

Feel free to chat if with me about any and everything, including any questions about ROMSA!

Angela (she/he/they)

Angela (she/he/they)


I’m Angela. I’m from (East) Auckland but came to Otago to study HSFY in 2021. Instead of going on to ALM4, I am currently in my gap year doing a BMedSc(Hons) in the Department of Pathology.

In my spare time I make art, climb rocks, play games, and read books. If you want to nerd out over anything in the above topics with someone I’m your person 😀

Julia (she/her)

Julia (she/her)

Welfare rep

My name is Julia. I grew up in Te Whanganui-a-Tara and moved to Ōtepoti in 2022 for FYHS, and I’m currently in ELM3.

Alongside study, I love to collect plants and I’m trying to spend more time reading! I also do debating for the uni club, so I’m used to speaking up about issues that are important to me (like Rainbow welfare and an inclusive curriculum!). Please come chat if you have any ideas/concerns :))

Pita (he/him/ia)

Pita (he/him/ia)

Takatāpui rep

(Te Arawa, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Ranginui)

Ko Pita tōku ingoa.

Nō Te Ika-a-Māui au.

Born and raised in Pōneke/Welly but as an adult have spent most of my time in Ōtautahi Christchurch.

I am a post grad in ELM3, completing Bachelor of Radiation Therapy in 2016 followed by a career as a Radiation Therapist since; I still continue practicing part time while studying.

Jamie (he/him)

Jamie (he/him)

Pride Events Coordinator

I’m Jamie. I grew up in Muriwai in West Auckland and moved to Ōtepoti in 2019. I did a BSc in Anatomy and I’m currently in ELM3.

I’m looking forward to running some events for our ELM cohorts this year and I’m always happy to chat.

Newrea (they/them)

Newrea (they/them)

Pride committee

Mannaseo bangawoyo!

[만나서 반가워요!]

I’m Newrea and I’m from Waiuku, South Auckland and came to Otago to study HSFY in 2023.

I’m currently in ELM2 😀

A lover of all things comics, cartoons, and an assortment of 3 hour+ Youtube deep-dives.

Down to chat about anything and everything!